Monday, March 17, 2008

Too smart

My husband should have married someone stupider.

He does this thing, when asked a question that he doesn't want to answer, where he rambles off on tangents and then acts like he's answered my question and I'm stupid to not have realized it. Granted, it also tends to ramble off on tangents even when he has no particular issue with the question, but that's just him. The man would drive the administrator of a lie detector test insane because of his inability to answer yes/no questions with either a yes or a no.

He's decided to build himself a new computer. OK, fine, whatever, I just don't care anymore. Today the case for it arrived, a big shiny thing with multiple fans, a clear side, a shiny door with a 'cool' look, and the capability to be taken completely apart. I asked, why does he need a new case. It's not as if there's anything wrong with the old one. He rambled on and on about how he needs a new case because he's building a new computer. But since he's planning to recycle parts from the old one, why is the new case necessary? He then started saying he needs it because he's giving me his old motherboard and processor. Again, nice, but why does he need a new case? The question was never answered.

Later in the evening he put his arms around me and asked why I'm not mad that he's buying himself parts for a new computer. I've gotten angry at him before because he yells at me that I should get a job because we're poor, then goes off and buys himself completely unnecessary and luxurious toys. Meanwhile, I'm clipping coupons and buying myself only what I consider to be fairly necessary. Fun, huh? I gave him the answer that's true: I just don't care anymore. I feel emotionally dead to a lot of what he does now.

As I thought about it, though, I started to get a little angry. He thought something was going to upset me, and he went and did it anyway and gleefully watched for me to snap at him. He only thought something was wrong when I didn't get angry. To me, getting angry means something is wrong. I don't like being angry, but unfortunately it only gets through to Rob that I'm upset if I'm either shrieking, yelling or crying. I don't like doing either three and would prefer to discuss things calmly, but when I do that he doesn't take it seriously. So to actually deliberately provoke my anger? Unacceptable.

I finally figured out why he ordered a new case: it is unnecessary. He just wanted a fun toy to play with, a cool case that he can take apart and put back together and generally feel special for having. I told him this and he admitted it. I just wish he would have answered my question straight in the first place. That irritates me more than him actually buying the damn thing. That, and trying to provoke me. As I said, he needs a stupider wife.

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