Sunday, January 27, 2008


Last night, as my father, brother and husband all devoured pizza that is verboten to me, Rob looked up at me and asked 'Have you taken an Alli pill?' Just opened his big fat mouth and said it! So not only do I have to endure the temptation and the torture of deprivation, I have my husband more or less embarrassing me in front of my family.

That's right, I'm embarrassed to be taking Alli. I wish I could do weight loss without it and feel that it's a last resort. And I'm also embarrassed by my husband, who I just can't tell anything to anymore. Even if I say 'I don't want anyone else to know', he still says it to precisely the person I didn't want him to say it to. He claims that my dad and brother probably don't know what Alli is and that they'll have forgotten he asked me about it. I figure he probably told them already.

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