Monday, January 21, 2008

More diet crap

I had the first Alli side effect today, but I won't go into details. It actually wasn't that bad but I can really see how it would bother some folks. I didn't take Alli with lunch because my brother wanted to take me out. I could have, but I didn't because I thought I was having both a cup of cream of chicken wild rice soup AND a ceasar salad. I ended up being so full after the soup that the salad is now sitting in the fridge. Maybe I'll save it for tomorrow for lunch, maybe have it tonight and have just a bit of the beef and barley soup cooking in the crock pot right now.

While Alli will help with the fat problem, it doesn't help with my sweet tooth. I have a bad sweet tooth. Did you know it is possible to have a fairly tasty ice cream sundae with chocolate and caramel sauce and still have it fat-free? I know it. And just now I guzzled a bottle of soda because I really really wanted it, and I'm tired and want caffeine. It hasn't helped yet, since all I want to do is curl up and sleep. Maybe getting a job will help with this. I think what will happen is I'll just be really really tired when I'm at home in the evening.

I know that for some people, exercise energizes them. For me, it's enervating plus it makes me hungry. Excuses, excuses but it's true. Maybe I push myself too hard when I go to work out, who knows. I probably won't be doing anything too strenuous with the combo of a whacked knee and a sore ankle, each on opposite legs. My husband thinks both of these are because I'm fat. I think it's because I fell and hit my knee hard last month, and I probably twisted my ankle when I was getting out of bed. I think it's because I'm klutzy.

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