Thursday, July 5, 2007

Is it stalking when it's your spouse?

I went shopping on Tuesday. In retrospect, bad timing due to people stocking up for the holiday but unfortunately necessary. I had to hit a few stores, since I tend to both put things off until they've stack up and also do things efficiently. I had been gone maybe an hour and was on my way to the third store when I got a phone call.

"Hey, it's me. Where are you? Shouldn't you be home by now?" It was my husband.

"Um, I'm about to go to the grocery store. Why, you need anything?"

"No....I just thought you should be home by now."

He was actually worried about where I was. I had been out of his sight for barely more than an hour, which is not an unreasonable amount of time to be gone shopping at two stores. I can't decide if it's controlling behavior, always wanting to know where I am, or if he's suspicious and worried I might be off with some guy. He doesn't have to worry about me leaving him because of another guy, he just has to worry about me leaving him because of him.

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