Monday, June 18, 2007


Recently I had a sex dream. I have these periodically. They're never about my husband and the sex in them is always great, much better than I get in real life. However, this last one was strange. I dreamed I was having sex with Hugh Laurie as his character House. Go figure.

I wasn't particularly attracted to him. I mean, there's nothing wrong with him- he's not ugly or anything but I just didn't feel it for him. I was pretty embarassed initially, but now I can't watch that TV show without flashing back to my dream. I find myself searching the TV schedule for reruns of House, since there won't be any new episodes until fall. The whole thing is just weird. I mean, I've heard about being attracted to someone because you have great physical chemistry, but how can you have chemistry with someone who you've only had contact with in a random dream?

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