Monday, June 25, 2007


If my husband ever finds this post, he'll definitely know who I am. See, he's got this odd little quirk. He claims he will divorce me if I ever get a tattoo.

Way back in '99, several of my friends were getting tattoos. I was considering getting one too and even found a design that I liked. I didn't want to do something I'd regret, so I elected to wait. I figured if I still wanted it in a few years it would be something I'd love my whole life. Well, a few years later I started dating my husband.

I still want the tattoo. A friend is getting another tattoo and I'm very tempted to go with her and get one myself. If it's not very big and in a discreet place, it won't be noticable to most people. That's how I want it- something that's private unless I choose to share it with someone.

Half the reason I want it is to push his buttons. If he really divorces me over something so petty as a tattoo, then I don't really want to be married to him. It'd be interesting to get it and see how long it takes him to notice.

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