Thursday, June 21, 2007

Mother's little helper

I think I've pinpointed the reason my feelings started to change about my husband. For the first year of our marriage I was, if not precisely happy, content. I certainly wasn't unhappy. Yeah, we had some rough patches but we always worked it through. Then, last August I finally got treated for depression. I went on antidepressants and wow! the difference they made.

I was actually outgoing and cheerful instead of being shy and hiding in my room. I experienced a complete renaissance of my personality, returning me to the energetic person I remembered once being. Instead of passively agreeing to to my husband's ideas, I started to want to do things that I enjoyed. Did you know he actually thought I really loved sports and hunting? I like to do them occasionally but I'm not the fan he is.

He says I used to be a lot more fun. That was back when I would just do whatever he wanted to do. Now I'm actually insisting that *gasp* we sometimes do things I enjoy but that he isn't thrilled about. I want more than what we do now, and he's not willing to do it. I wonder if the whole 'I have pills so I'm happy with me but now I'm unhappy with you' is just another excuse, a cop-out to get out of my marriage.

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